
About Me

I photograph American life.

I’m less of a painter and more of a thinker. I like “photographs of intelligence” which focus on describing a subject in detail. It is what is, not what I feel about it.

How I Work

What cameras do I use?

I work with both small format (35mm) and large format (4x5”) film cameras, depending on the project’s requirements. I use:

  • Leica M2 (35mm camera) with 35mm, 75mm, 280mm, and 400mm lenses.

  • Sinar F2 (4x5” camera) with 75mm, 135mm, 210mm, and 300mm lenses.

  • Chamonix 4x5” H1 Handy (custom modifications for handholdablility with any lenses up to 210mm)

What films do I use?

Primarily Kodak Ektar for 4x5” and Kodak Ektachrome for 35mm.

How do I develop my films?

All my films and prints are developed using a processor I invented. Yes, I am also the founder of a company which makes compact film & print processors: MEKINER.

How do I print?

I make C-prints in the makeshift darkroom for all my large format negatives. Slides are scanned then printed via inkjet.

Contact Me

If you have any questions or requests, send me a message through the Contact page.